Transfer Tokens

Transfer Tokens


In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of transferring tokens with your DAO. Tokens can be transferred from either the main treasury or sidecar safes.

Accessing Proposals

  1. Navigate to the Proposals tab on your primary DAO page in the navigation bar.


  1. Click on the New Proposal button.


A modal will pop up displaying various proposal types.

Choose Proposal Type

  1. For this tutorial, select the ERC-20 Token Transfer proposal.


This proposal type is for drawing tokens from the main treasury of the DAO.

Proposal Creation Screen

You'll be directed to the ERC-20 Token Transfer proposal creation screen.

  1. Fill Out the Proposal Form:


Required Fields

  • Proposal Title: Provide a unique title for your proposal for easy identification by other DAO members.
  • Description: Explain the purpose and actions of the proposal in simple terms.
  • Recipient: Enter the wallet address that will receive the tokens. This can be your own, another DAO member's, or even an external wallet. Be cautious with this step.
  • Requested ERC20: Specify the amount of tokens to transfer and select the token type from the dropdown menu.

Optional Fields

  • Link: If available, add links to supporting documentation for the membership request.
  • Add Expiration Date: Set a deadline for the proposal.

Submitting Your Proposal

  1. After filling out the necessary fields, click the Submit button.

This action will request a signature from your wallet.

  1. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

A toast notification will appear, confirming the proposal creation or indicating a failure.

You'll be redirected to the proposal queue of your DAO. Your Token Transfer proposal should be displayed at the top.
