

Proposals are the backbone of decision-making within a DAO. They are employed to get sentiment about an issue, add or remove members, allocate voting and non-voting tokens, distribute funds, and even interact with other applications and communities.


The Proposals page provides an overview of all DAO proposals. Each proposal displays:

  • Proposal number
  • Type of proposal
  • Submission date
  • Title and description
  • Member who submitted
  • Current status
  • Quorum (if applicable)
  • Voting progress - both as a percentage and visually as a progress bar

Proposals can be sorted via search (using keywords), or filtered by status:

  • Unsponsored
  • In Voting
  • In Grace
  • Ready to Execute
  • Passed
  • Action Failed
  • Defeated
  • Expired

Tapping the View Details button on a card take you to additional information about the proposal.

Proposal Details

Transaction Call Data

These are the details of contract interactions that take place when the proposal is executed.


  1. Submitted: When the proposal was submitted, by whom, and offering (if applicable).
  2. Sponsored: When the proposal was sponsored and by whom.
  3. Voting: Shows the total yes and no votes to Show Votes.
  4. Grace Period: Shows the time remaing in the grace period or when the period ended.
  5. Proposal Complete: Successful proposals are marked as Complete and show who executed the proposal.

All stages requiring a transaction provide a link to View Transaction on the block explorer.

New Proposal

This button allows you to create a new proposal to the organization. Tapping the button brings up a modal to select the type of propsal to create. The Proposal Types are categorized by Basics and Advanced.


Proposal Types


  • Signal Request: Request an on-chain member vote.
  • DAO Token Request: Request voting or non-voting tokens from the DAO.
  • DAO Token Swap: Request voting or non-voting tokens from the DAO in exchange for tokens.
  • ERC-20 Token Transfer: Request ERC-20 tokens from the DAO treasury.
  • Network Token Transfer: Request network's native token from the DAO treasury.


  • Use WalletConnect: Interact with external contracts and applications.
  • Update Governance Settings: Change proposal timing or advanced governance settings.
  • Update Token Settings: Change transferability of voting or non-voting tokens.
  • Add Shaman: Grant DAO permissions to an external contract.
  • Remove Member: Change a member’s voting tokens into non-voting tokens.
  • Multicall Proposal Builder: Use the transaction builder to propose a multicall proposal.
Multicall Proposal Builder

This is a powerful feature allowing you to create custom proposals with contract interactions. Pasting a contract address and ABI into an Action gives you the ability to select specific Contract Functions. The actions are combined into a proposal that is excuted as a batch if the proposal passes.