Add a Member

Add a Member


In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of adding new members to your DAO.

Accessing Members

  1. Navigate to the Members tab on your primary DAO page in the navigation bar.

navigation bar

This will show you the current list of members in your DAO.

Add Member

  1. Click on the Add Member button.


A DAO Token Request proposal will appear.

Proposal Creation Screen

You'll be directed to the DAO Token Request proposal creation screen.

  1. Fill Out the Proposal Form:


Required Fields

  • Proposal Title: Provide a unique title for your proposal for easy identification by other DAO members.
  • Description: Describe the reason for this membership proposal.
  • Recipient: Enter the wallet address of the prospective member. If you're requesting membership for yourself, add your own address. However, if you're recommending someone else, input their address.
  • Voting Token Requested: Specify the number of membership shares you are requesting for the individual.
  • Non-Voting Token Requested: Indicate the number of non-voting loot tokens for the prospective member.

Optional Fields

  • Link: If available, add links to supporting documentation for the membership request.
  • Add Expiration Date: Set a deadline for the proposal.

Submitting Your Proposal

  1. After filling out the necessary fields, click the Submit button.

This action will request a signature from your wallet.

  1. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

A toast notification will appear, confirming the proposal creation or indicating a failure.

You'll be redirected to the proposal queue of your DAO. Your new membership proposal should be prominently displayed at the top.


Voting on Proposal

It's a recommended practice to vote 'Yes' on your own proposal to increase its chances of passing.

Proposal Outcome

Once the proposal passes and the grace period ends, the tokens specified in the proposal will be transferred to the recipient's address, officially adding them as a member of the DAO.

Remember to always communicate with your DAO members and encourage them to participate in the voting process to ensure a smooth and efficient membership addition.